Monday, April 06, 2009

Dyna turns 36!

Saturday night it was Dyna's 36th birthday. We all met at the Silly Goose downtown. There was a little dancing happening when we arrived.

Then shooters were ordered!

Dyna didn't care for hers. LOL!

It wasn't long though before we tired of the Silly Goose and all went to The Green Beetle where we could really let loose!

Cake, no candles.

I wish I knew what song Weenie was singing.

Me and Bacon!Most of the people had left and Mel, Dyna, Weenie and I decided to have a night cap at the Blue Monkey. After a couple of beers, it was decided we hadn't had enough. The Blue Monkey is located around the corner from Backstreet, the big gay nightclub. Off we went walking.

Pole dancing? That's right.

Happy birthday Dyna. I think we tore it down sufficiently!

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